Primary and Secondary Schools

With a 44-year track record, we have been pioneers in taking South Asian dance into UK schools.

The characteristic features of South Asian dance styles have proven to be highly effective in supporting the physical, mental and emotional development of children and young people. Pupils are drawn to the vibrancy and uniqueness of South Asian Dance through its movement, music, costume, and storytelling elements.

The storytelling and expressive elements of the form provide young participants with tools to develop their communication skills and self-expression. Our aim is to provide co-creation opportunities for pupils, encouraging them to become a part of the creative process and contribute their ideas. We believe creative collaboration is instrumental in building confidence and teamwork skills and ultimately, in fostering community cohesion.

Presenting Staycation, a mini break with George Greens School and Langdon Park School

“Thank you, what a fun session! I was really surprised they were so engaged as we have struggled to get some of them doing activities this morning. I was surprised they all willing joined in, or at least joined in with some of it from the back!”

Teacher after a session

What we can offer

  • Sessions to complement National Curriculum Dance or PE targets
  • Dance for cross-curriculum learning outcomes, incorporating core subjects such as maths, science, and English
  • After-school and term holiday sessions
  • Design of performances, developed in collaboration with pupils
  • Performances at a school assembly or one-off events
  • Programming around exciting cultural events or festivals

Who can take part?

The workshops are inclusive and accessible with no previous dance experience required to participate. Our flexible, imaginative approach means there is something for everyone. We work closely with partner schools and our creative practitioners to develop meaningful interventions – from one-off themed workshops to sustained participatory experiences, such as artist residencies.

Some of the schools that we have worked with recently are St. Claudine’s Catholic School for Girls, St. Angela’s Ursuline School, Mulberry School for Girls, and Krishna Avanti Primary School.

Our impact

In 2022, our work reached 1,399 primary and secondary school pupils across London.

“Do we have time to do the routine again?
It’s really fun!”

Student at the end of the session, St. Claudine’s School for Girls

school students participate in a South Asian dance workshop
Photo: Akademi

Benefits for students

  • High-quality arts intervention
  • Reduced stress levels
  • Increased confidence, imagination and empathy
  • Social skills through teamwork
  • Increased physical activity
  • Opportunity to be creative
  • Improved mental and emotional well-being
  • Opportunity to work towards performances, where possible
  • Understanding and celebration of different cultures


If you’d like to know more about the programme or are looking for a workshop, performance, or longterm residencies in your school, please contact us at

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