According to the research carried out by Chelsea and Westminster hospital’s charity CW+ in 2015, performing arts helped 96% of the patients feel relaxed and get distracted from their illness. An average improvement in the mood of patients by 20% was also recorded.
Akademi’s work in Chelsea and Westminster is highlighted by Shabnam Mahmood on BBC national news, 24 May 2015.
Our work in care homes and community centres
Across the past year of our grant, Akademi Dance Well artists have continued developing and expanding the scope of their practice and delivery. Deepening their understanding of how the Dance Well programme might tackle isolation and the loss of mobility experienced by many of our participants, artists made room for conversation and interaction during sessions, facilitating participant self-reflection and encouraging feedback. This data was carefully captured using the logic model framework, measuring the impact of Akademi’s work more effectively to support the ongoing implementation of improvements as Dance Well continues evolving.
“All pupils who have accessed Akademi’s dance sessions have benefitted in a variety of ways. For some pupils, simply developing an interest in looking at and accepting being near to the room, or in the room where the session is taking place, is a huge step for them. For others, developing their confidence to participate, develop relationships with others and express themselves through dance has most definitely been achieved. The artist and Akademi have worked extremely well to ensure that relationships with both the staff and the pupils have been built on trust and the artist shows an understanding of the children’s likes and needs which enable her to adapt the sessions as well as being more child-led at times. The children have responded to her enthusiasm and as a result there has been a reduction in behaviours during her sessions.”
Katie Lonnborg, Head Teacher of Papillon House School