Akademi’s response to COVID-19

We wanted to reach out and update you on Akademi’s response to the current situation with COVID-19. As we adjust to the new reality, the health and wellbeing of our artists, team, participants, audiences – everyone in fact – remains our utmost priority.
Taking on board the most recent advice from Public Health England and in consultation with our funders and partners, we are making the following changes to our programme until things are more certain.
- All Akademi events and workshops are postponed effective 18 March. We are in discussions with the settings, artists and funders to explore alternate ways of delivering our Learning and Participation provisions.
- The format of all artist surgery appointments scheduled for 24 March is shifted to Skype call rather than face-to-face meeting. We will be in touch with those who have booked slots, to provide more details.
- The Troth workshop taking place at Bedfont Library on 28 March is postponed.
- Our presentation ‘Pravaah’ at the Victoria & Albert Museum Performance Festival on 25 April is cancelled as the museum has unfortunately had to close until further notice.
- We are opening our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram channel to South Asian dance community and beyond to post suitable remote work opportunities, training modules, resources, guidance. Either email, direct message or tag us and we will share it.
What you can do to help South Asian dance community:
- Celebrate an artist’s work by sharing it and keep them encouraged.
- Check on your friends working in the sector, especially if they are freelance.
- Support smaller organisations, freelance artists, art makers, technicians with kind words of support and encouragement.
- Stay together as a community and signpost suitable opportunities to each other.
- When this is all over, come and show your support in person.
Our team will continue to work from home. If you need to contact us for updates, guidance or just to have a chat, please email members of the team directly or use info@akademi.co.uk and we will respond as soon as we can.
However events unfold, please keep an eye out on our website and social media channels for latest news and some exciting content. Thank you for your ongoing support to Akademi.
Stay well and stay in touch.
With best wishes,
Suba, Kirsten and all of us here at Akademi South Asian Dance UK