Education | March 2018 Update
Camden Dance Festival
Akademi is supporting two Camden schools with their performances at the Camden Dance Festival this year, Swiss Cottage and Carlton.
Priyanka Chauhan is leading workshops at Swiss Cottage School every Monday, working with a group of young people who range in age from 16-18 and have a range of special educational needs including learning disabilities and autism. The young people at the school are really enjoying the workshops and here at Akademi we are really looking forward to their performance on the 13 March.
Urvashi – a new artist to Akademi is leading workshops at Carlton Primary School in Grafton Road. Fifteen children are taking part in the Bollywood style sessions every Friday after school and working really hard on their performance for the festival. We are excited to see how they can raise the roof of The Place when they perform.
This type of educational support that Akademi provides is vital to ensure all children and young people grow up enjoying and participating in the arts – its fabulous that we can reach the widest possible audience and inspire the South Asian dancers of the furure!
‘Kopal’ (young bud or plant in Hindi)
Akademi is very excited to announce that we have gained funding from Awards for All for our exciting and innovative new primary school dance project Kopal.
Kopal is an innovative, playful dance project aiming to re-enliven physical creativity in some of London’s poorest-served children, bring primary-aged pupils together, building a strong sense of community and confidence in movement work within their own school initially then branching out to build understanding and cohesion with pupils from other primary schools.
Akademi will work with up to five Camden primary schools and reach approximately 150 children through this work. Inspiring a new generation with the unique elements of South Asian dance and bring all the possibilities that creativity and culture present.
Thank you to The Big Lottery Fund.