Akademi Newsletter: June
June 2018
From the Director’s desk
This May we took Sufi:Zen to Bell Square in Hounslow. This mesmerising performance has been performed more times than we can count since it was choreographed by Gauri Sharma Tripathi ten years ago. I was proud to have captured the photo below and to have been able to witness the maturity and energy of this performance.
I am delighted to announce that I have been featured again as one of 100 Most Influential people in UK-India Relations. I am so grateful to India Inc for selecting me and for giving me the opportunity to speak about Akademi’s work next to some of the top arts and media influencers at this week’s prestigious launch event of UK India Week at TAJ Hotel, London.
Stay up to date with Akdemi. Our 6-weekly newsletter includes updates on Akademi and news form the South Asian Dance sector.